I LOVE my glass top stove. Not that I use it to cook, because my husband is the chef in our family. A glass top range doesn’t just cook though. It’s also great when you need some extra counter space. Try that with a conventional oven!
Glass top ranges DO get dirty, just like conventional range-tops. You can use soap and water to clean them, along with some good ‘ole elbow grease. But that’s just TOO much work for me, especially since I don’t like being in the kitchen in the first place.
I’ve tried a couple different glass top cleaners and they’ve done an okay job. The one that has impressed me the most is Weiman Glass Cook Top Cleaner. There is a spray that you can use when your glass top range just needs a quick spritzing. A couple squirts, a paper towel and voila! Clean and shiny! I use Weiman Glass Cook Top Cleaner cream and

Weiman Glass Top Cleaners are inexpensive and can be purchased at your local grocery stores, Target and Wal-Mart. For under $2 they are a real bargain.

less blogging and more cleaning woman..........snap to it!