Ever since I can remember, my parents traveled-- Martinique, France, Ireland, Hawaii--they also have a list of all the places they plan to see before they kick the bucket. They instilled my love of travel by taking my siblings and me on family vacations every year. My first was to Florida when I was eight and I took my first airplane ride when I was ten (it was a cool flight, I was all by myself!).
I’ve tried to carry on the traveling and family vacation tradition as an adult/parent, time and money permitting. This summer both worked out great. My youngest son and I flew to San Diego (his first time to California, my second) then on to Seattle. My dad joined us and after that trip he only has the state of Alaska and he’ll have seen EVERY state in our country! How great is THAT! I guess that’s where I got my idea to visit every state. I have a little ways to go, however, with only seeing 25, but hey, that’s probably more than a lot of people, so I feel pretty darn lucky!
I plan my vacations to different locations. Sure there are advantages to going to the same vacation spot year after year, but personally I’d rather see something different each year and even composed my own Travel Bucket List:
The remaining 25 states I haven’t seen yet: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Rome and Venice, Italy
Athens, Greece
Melbourne, Australia
Cairo, Egypt to see the Sphinx, Pyramids and Nile River
South Africa or Zimbabwe for an African Safari
Barcelona, Spain
Stay at a Dude Ranch in Wyoming or Montana
Salvador da Bahia (Brazil's capital of happiness) in Brazil
Tobermory Isle of Mull and stay at the Glengorm Castle in Scotland
That's my Top Ten (I’m counting the remaining 25 states as one)!
I’d love to hear what’s on your Travel Bucket List.

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