Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Should's And Win-Win's

I think we should be able to drive with our eyes closed and get where we’re going safely. Think about that. If you have a long commute to work, you could catch up on your Z’s. Driving the kids to soccer or football practice—snooze away. You wouldn’t even have to worry about those pesky red lights or stop signs. Or the idiots who text while driving. You wouldn’t have to look at those dumb asses anymore—your eyes would be closed! Sounds like a total win-win, to me!

 I think we should be able to eat while lying down and not choke to death—hear me Mama Cass? You wouldn’t even have to get up in the morning. Just lie there and have someone shovel those eggs into your mouth! When lunch rolls around—open wide and shove that peanut butter and jelly sandwich right on in. If you’re hunkering for a snack, well, you can lie there and toss some Oreos in the air and catch them with your teeth—never getting off your back! You want milk with that, you say? Just rig up a cup and straw on your bedside table. See? Another win-win.

 I think female dogs should be born spayed. Unless you want your female puppy to grow up and breed, of course. But in my case, I haven’t had a minute to get my female puppy to the vet—except for her shots— and yep, you guessed it—she’s back in her hot pants. So if girlie puppies were born already unable to have puppies it would save people, like me (who lose track of time for various reasons I won’t go in to right now ) a lot of aggravation. Therefore, female puppies already sterilized is a win-win, in my world.

 I think that television shows should be filmed and then run consecutively. Waiting a week in between shows, or in the event of the Oscars or a stupid sporting event, puts a major cramp in my style. There are a bazillion television stations in this century, why must they interrupt my shows? And why must I wait to see what happens to my make-believe characters? I want to see the plot, conflict and mishaps right.now.all.at.once. So for me, that would be a win-win.

 I think that we should be able to use electrical devices while taking a bath without getting dead. Image that for a few seconds—or minutes, if your brain is operating in slow-mo like mine this time of year. If you could lounge around in your tub—with bubbles and candles—with your laptop, or even your Kindle or other E-reader. That would be fun! Or what if you wanted to do your hair with a curling iron? Or maybe you want to sand a piece of wood with your handy-dandy wood sander. I mean, come on, there are tons of things you could do in the tub with electronics. But let’s face it. If you did, you’d get zapped and you wouldn’t be able to read my blog. That’s just not right. We have the technology to take out terrorists without setting foot in their country. We can spy on our own citizens while they lounge around their house in their underwear. Heck, we cross breed dogs, plants and fruit. But we can’t bathe with electronics without getting zapped? That’s a problem. I think we should fix that into a win-win.

 And last, but certainly not least, I think Mother Nature should stop delaying spring. Or at the very least, we should be able to kick Punxsutawney Phil’s furry ass. I’m sick of the cold, the wet and the dreary and if I don’t get warmth and sunshine soon—I’m gonna go ape shit on Mother Nature AND Phil. And THAT would FEEL like a win-win right about now.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm Not Perfect, But I Love To Write

I just got a new book, If You Can Talk, You Can Write. At first glance, I thought, No way! I can’t possibly write everything I WANT to say. I’d lose all my friends and for sure uninspire everyone!

Then I began reading the book and realized it’s not about writing uncensored. It’s about writing like we talk and banishing our inner critic. I like the idea of banishing my inner critic. It’s been too loud lately. Ha! Who am I kidding. It’s been loud all my life.

 But lately I can’t seem to write a darn thing I like. No matter what I write—Nope, not good enough. Or, Nope, that’s boring. And if I do manage to get a piece done, I rip it apart. I’m terribly hard on myself. I think it has to be perfect. Whatever that even means.

 Oh, and when I don’t write—which is often— I tell myself it’s writer’s block. Well, the author, Joel Saltzman, says that writer’s block is really perfectionist’s block. It’s a way for us perfectionists to avoid writing because we never think it’s good enough, or it’s never going to be good enough. We make excuses: We have to research. Answer emails. Pour another cup of coffee. Rewrite that scene.

 Bingo! That’s so me! So now that I know the problem, I can fix it.

 No, I lied.

 I can attempt to fix it.

Hello, I’m Pamela and I’m a perfectionist and it’s going to take time to fix my tendency to want to be perfect. And I may never fix it. I may have to accept that I’ll always want to be perfect but I won’t ever be perfect.

In the meantime, I have to let go and do what I love and that’s write. No matter what it’s about—just write.

 So, here I am—writing, because it brings me happiness.

 What makes you happy?



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