There probably isn’t a person out there who hasn’t called a customer service number and gotten so frustrated and completely irate. It’s really annoying not to get a real person and hear a recording say:
Thank you for continuing to hold.
Your call is very important to us.
The next available agent will be with you shortly.
Um, I’m not continuing to hold because I want to. Nor am I continuing to hold because I have nothing else better to do. Actually, I’d rather stab myself in the eye with a broken pencil instead of continuing to hold for your dumb ass.
If my call is so important, why am I holding for 15 minutes listening to horrible music or static and a freaken recording telling me how important I am?
Perhaps if you have enough agents, I wouldn’t have to hold for 15 minutes listening to horrible music or static and a freaken recording telling me how important I am.
I also hate when I complain and the agent immediately says, “I’m sorry” or “I apologize for your inconvenience”. How about they stop the cookie cutter answers and talk to us. Ask, “How can I make your experience better?” or “Is there anything I can do to relieve your frustration?”.
I mean, heck, having someone acting human is just a thought.
What do you hate about calling customer service?

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